Wine Box Ceremony
The Wedding Box Ceremony is a popular option for couples who like wine, whisky or even beer. It's also a great option for couples who love to write. Perhaps you want to write your own vows but don't want to share them in front of everyone? You can write them and put them in the box for a memory for later. Perhaps a note to your future self?
A wine boxing ceremony allows you to seal a bottle of wine in a box to open at a later date, usually a special occasion. You can also include a love letter for one another to read when you open the box.
You can seal the box however you like, either nail or lock it, whatever suits you.
Traditionally, you write a love letter to your spouse about how you feel at the time you are married.
Some couples write their own vows and after they exchange them lock them in the box.
There are several options when it comes to what you will do with the box later. Some couples agree they will just open it on a later anniversary, 1, 5 or 10 year anniversary is common. They will open the letters, share a drink and maybe even put new letter in and close it up for another anniversary.
Other couples may use it as an emergency box. If their marriage falls into mortal danger they will open the box, have a drink together and take to separate rooms to read the letters they wrote to each other and reflect on the reasons they were married.
I say you can always put a new bottle in if you need to. Or, if there's a snowstorm and you really need a bottle of wine, there it is!